Embracing Neurodiversity: Understanding and Celebrating Differences

The terms “neurodivergent” and “neurodiverse” are gaining recognition in our vocabulary. Coined by sociologist Judy Singer in 1997, “neurodiversity” draws parallels to biodiversity, emphasizing the diversity of cognitive processes and behaviors among all individuals.

Let’s briefly dive into terminology & concepts:


Neurodiversity encompasses the diverse range of cognitive functioning among individuals. It acknowledges that each person’s brain works uniquely and that these differences should be recognized and celebrated. The term “neurodivergent” describes individuals whose brains function in “atypical” ways that give them different strengths and struggles. The term “neurotypical” is used to describe those whose brain functions in ”typical ways”. These differences are not disabilities. Understanding and embracing neurodiversity involves acknowledging and appreciating these differences.


Neurodivergent individuals have brains that develop and function in atypical ways compared to those of neurotypical individuals. While some may have diagnosed medical conditions, such as ASD, ADHD, Tourettes Syndrome, Dyslexia, Anxiety, or dyscalculia, others may not have a specific medical explanation for their divergent brain function. It is important to recognize that neurodivergence is not a limitation but rather a unique way of experiencing the world, that have thier own distinct strengths and challenges. (1)

Neurodivergent Challenges and Celebrations

Neurodivergent individuals often face challenges in environments that may not accommodate their unique strengths and differences. This can include environments that have heavy task demands with excessive external stimuli or understimulated (lack of creative outlets), under-communication or over-communication (being direct and clear is important with neurodivergent-awareness of something called rejection sensitivity (3) is an important consideration. Avoid value-based language.), disorganization, just to name a few. However, it is essential to highlight the strengths and positive contributions of neurodivergent individuals. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, we can help neurodivergent individuals thrive and showcase their abilities.

Creating Inclusivity

Creating inclusive environments involves understanding and accommodating the needs of neurodivergent individuals. By fostering empathy, awareness, and support, we can build communities that celebrate the unique strengths and contributions of all individuals, regardless of neurodivergence. Embracing neurodiversity can lead to more innovative and diverse perspectives. This can include supportive plans for neurodivergents that may include accommodations such as noise-canceling earbuds, more frequent meetings & check-ins, task prioritization support, customized schedules & job roles or task assignments, and other supportive measures that will help uplift their strengths and reduce the impacts of their symptoms that could interfere with productivity.

Fostering Understanding and Acceptance

By fostering understanding and acceptance, we can create a world that celebrates neurodiversity. Embracing neurodiversity involves breaking barriers, removing stigmas, and promoting empathy. Together, we can build communities that value and celebrate the diverse capabilities of all individuals, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society for everyone.

Celebrating Neurodivergent Figures Throughout History

Many influential and inspiring individuals have been neurodivergent. From creative visionaries to groundbreaking innovators, neurodivergent figures have made significant contributions to various fields. Recognizing and celebrating their achievements helps promote a more inclusive and understanding society.

Many of our history’s famous and inspiring creators, leaders and entertainers were neurodivergent (2),

  • Hans Christian Andersen – children’s author
  • Benjamin Banneker – African American almanac author, surveyor, naturalist, and farmer
  • Tim Burton – Movie Director
  • Charles Darwin – naturalist, geologist, and biologist
  • Steve Jobs – Former Apple CEO
  • Michealangelo – Painter, sculptor, architect and poet
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Composer and musician
  • Nikola Tesla – Inventor
  • Bill Gates – Microsoft Founder
  • Albert Einstein – Inventor, mathematician and mastermind of the 20th century.

Let’s Schedule A Time To Chat

As a neurodivergent or “neurospicy” individual myself as well as having a daughter who is “neurospicy”. I understand the obstacles and burdens that can come with both being neurodivergent and caring for a neurodivergent child. With the tools and plans in place, you and your loved ones can tap into your hidden superpowers that are a part of neurodiversity and shift your obstacles into launchpads for success. The burdens will become tools that trigger your mindfulness to support you in your journey rather than weighing you down. Read more about my coaching method and schedule a time to chat here and see how we can co-create your biggest thrive ever!

Source (1) 


Source (2)


Source (3)


Embracing Abundance: LMHTEA’s Guide to Cultivating the Abundance Mindset

Welcome to a journey of transformation, where the power of positive thinking meets the philosophy of abundance. In this blog post, we, LMHTEA, will explore the abundance mindset, unraveling its significance, and providing you with strategies to cultivate this mindset to foster positive change in your life.

Understanding the Abundance Mindset

The abundance mindset is a powerful perspective that revolves around the belief that there is more than enough to go around. It’s a shift from scarcity thinking to a mindset of plenty – a recognition that opportunities, success, and joy are boundless resources available to all. LMHTEA believes that adopting this mindset can be a catalyst for personal and professional growth.

Strategies to Cultivate the Abundance Mindset

Practice Gratitude Daily

Begin your journey towards abundance by acknowledging and appreciating what you have. Incorporate a daily gratitude practice into your routine. Reflect on the positive aspects of your life, recognizing the abundance that already exists.

Celebrate Others’ Success

In the abundance mindset, other people’s success is not a threat but an inspiration. Celebrate the achievements of those around you, and see them as evidence that there is more than enough success to go around.

Shift from “Can’t” to “Can”

Challenge limiting beliefs that fuel a scarcity mindset. Replace thoughts like “I can’t” with “I can” and “I will.” This shift in language can have a profound impact on your mindset, opening doors to new possibilities.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Cultivate a growth mindset by viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Embrace the idea that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work, fostering a sense of abundance in your capabilities.

Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful tool to manifest abundance. Take time to visualize your goals and dreams coming to fruition. Allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with success, reinforcing the belief that abundance is within your reach.

Practice Mindfulness

Engage in mindfulness practices to stay present and appreciate the abundance in each moment. Mindfulness helps you detach from worries about the future or regrets about the past, fostering a sense of contentment with the present.

The Transformative Power of the Abundance Mindset

LMHTEA firmly believes that embracing the abundance mindset can transform your life in profound ways:

Increased Resilience

The abundance mindset equips you with the resilience to bounce back from setbacks, viewing challenges as temporary obstacles rather than insurmountable barriers.

Enhanced Creativity

By believing in the abundance of ideas and opportunities, you unlock your creative potential. The freedom to explore and innovate becomes a natural part of your thought process. Imagination is the launchpad for innovation, so remember to spend time in your imagination.

Improved Relationships

An abundance mindset fosters collaboration and cooperation. By viewing relationships as sources of mutual growth, you build strong connections with others. Always remember to play, as this also strengthens the bond in abundance based relationships.

Greater Happiness

Recognizing the abundance in your life leads to a more positive outlook. As you focus on the positive, happiness becomes a natural byproduct of your mindset.

Contact Us

LMHTEA invites you to embark on a transformative journey by embracing the abundance mindset. Through gratitude, celebration, a growth mindset, visualization, mindfulness, and positive language, you can cultivate a mindset that opens the doors to limitless possibilities. The transformative power of the abundance mindset awaits, ready to bring positive change and fulfillment to every aspect of your life. If you would like to learn more, check out our life coaching services on our website.

If you haven’t read our blog on moving from surviving to thriving, you may enjoy this mindset focused blog as well. https://lmhtea.org/from-surviving-to-thriving-overcoming-the-survival-mindset

From Surviving to Thriving: Overcoming the Survival Mindset

In life, we often find ourselves in situations where our primary focus is simply to survive. Whether it’s dealing with financial instability, personal challenges, or the pressures of daily life, survival mode becomes our default setting. While survival mode can help us weather difficult times, it can also trap us in a cycle of stress and anxiety, preventing us from truly thriving. In this blog post, we’ll explore the transition from surviving to thriving, and how to shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.

The Survival Mindset

The survival mindset is characterized by a constant state of alertness and a focus on basic needs. It’s a natural response to adversity, helping us navigate challenging situations and ensuring our immediate safety. However, problems arise when we remain stuck in this mode for an extended period, as it can lead to chronic stress, burnout, and a narrow perspective on life.

Here are some common signs of a survival mindset:

  • Constant Worry: Survivors are often preoccupied with worries about their basic needs, such as food, shelter, and safety.
  • Short-Term Thinking: Long-term goals and aspirations take a back seat as immediate concerns dominate their thoughts.
  • Limited Opportunities: Survivors may feel that there are limited opportunities available to them, leading to a sense of hopelessness.
  • Scarcity Mentality: A belief that there’s not enough to go around, leading to competition, hoarding, and fear of loss.

Shifting from Surviving to Thriving

To transition from a survival mindset to a thriving one, one must embark on a journey of self-awareness and personal growth. Here are some steps to help make this transformation:

  • Self-Reflection: Start by reflecting on your current mindset and identifying areas where you might be stuck in survival mode. Are you constantly worried about money, job security, or your health? Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward change.
  • Set Meaningful Goals: Shift your focus from immediate needs to long-term goals. What are your aspirations? What do you want to achieve in life? Setting meaningful goals can provide motivation and direction.
  • Seek Personal Growth: Invest in personal development through education, self-help books, or therapy. Building resilience and coping strategies will help you navigate challenges with more confidence.
  • Practice Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by regularly acknowledging the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude can shift your perspective from scarcity to abundance.
  • Embrace Change: Be open to change and new experiences. Stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to personal growth and opportunities you may not have encountered in survival mode.

From Scarcity to Abundance Mindset

One key aspect of transitioning from surviving to thriving is moving away from a scarcity mindset and adopting an abundance mindset. The scarcity mindset is rooted in fear and the belief that there’s not enough to go around, leading to a competitive and anxious outlook on life. In contrast, the abundance mindset is characterized by a belief that there are plenty of opportunities, resources, and joy to be shared.

In future blog posts, we’ll delve deeper into the concept of the abundance mindset, exploring strategies to cultivate it and how it can transform your life. So, stay tuned for more on this exciting topic!

Contact Us

Moving from a survival mindset to a thriving one is a journey that requires self-awareness, determination, and a willingness to change. By recognizing the signs of a survival mindset and taking proactive steps to shift your perspective, you can break free from the cycle of survival and embrace a more abundant and fulfilling life. Contact us today if you’re interested in taking this step forward with the help of life coaching. Remember, the path from surviving to thriving is a personal one, but with commitment and effort, it’s a journey well worth taking. You can book your free discovery session here to see if we are a good fit. If we aren’t, then we will refer you to someone who is! https://calendly.com/lmhtea/discovery-call

Discover the Power of Life Coaching with LMH Custom Teas & Herbs

Welcome to LMH Tea, a space dedicated to holistic wellness and personal growth. We are excited to introduce you to the transformative world of life coaching and shed light on the distinctions between coaching, advisors, therapists, counselors, and mentors. At LMH Tea, our coaching framework is known as Trinity Coaching. This method focuses on Mind, Body, and Spiritual health, as we firmly believe that true balance can only be achieved when these three aspects of our lives are in alignment. We specialize in neurodivergence and clinical disorders but can work with anyone, from any walk of life, on any problem at hand. If we can’t help you, we will support you in finding someone who can. Our coaching is designed to empower you on your personal journey of self-discovery and personal development.  Take control of your life today and let us get you fast tracked towards your goals in just 3-6 sessions. Book your free discovery call here today

The Benefits of Life Coaching

Life coaching is an incredible tool that can help individuals unlock their potential, set clear goals, and navigate life’s challenges with renewed focus and determination. According to a 2020 ICF Global Coaching Study: “73% of coaching clients say that coaching helps them improve their relationships, communication skills, interpersonal skills, work performance, work/life balance, and wellness.” (View more statistics on life coaching benefits here.) As your life coach, we create a collaborative alliance where we work together in a thought-provoking and creative process to inspire and maximize your personal and professional growth.

Through life coaching, you can experience numerous benefits, including:

  • Clarity and Goal Setting: Life coaching empowers you to gain clarity about your life’s purpose and values. Together, we will set realistic and achievable goals, creating a roadmap to success.
  • Improved Self-Awareness: By exploring your strengths, weaknesses, and triggers, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of yourself, leading to enhanced self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
  • Enhanced Motivation: Our coaching sessions are designed to boost your motivation and provide you with the tools to stay inspired, even during challenging times. (Learn more here)
  • Empowerment and Confidence: As you work towards your goals and overcome obstacles, you’ll build confidence and a sense of empowerment to tackle future endeavors.
  • Better Relationships: Life coaching can improve your interpersonal relationships by helping you develop healthy communication skills and set boundaries effectively.
  • Improved Productivity: Harvard Business Review research found that coaching boosts productivity by 44%. Also, an ICF-commissioned study claims that coaching clients report a median ROI of 788%  (source).

Coaching, Advisors, Therapists, Counselors, & Mentors

It’s crucial to understand the differences between various support roles to choose the right path for your personal growth journey.

  • Coaching: Coaching is a partnership between the coach and the client, focused on maximizing potential and setting and achieving goals. Coaches work in a thought-provoking and creative manner to inspire clients’ personal and professional growth. Coaches are not intended to advise but to empower, discover and help guide.  While coaching can have aspects of many of these roles listed below present, they should be clearly segmented for the clients benefit and to avoid obscuring boundaries in the coaching client relationship.
  • Advisors: Advisors offer expert guidance in specific areas, providing recommendations and solutions based on their knowledge and experience.
  • Therapists: Therapists are trained professionals who focus on mental and emotional health. They help clients address and heal past traumas, cope with psychological disorders, and improve overall mental well-being.
  • Counselors: Counselors provide support and guidance to individuals facing various life challenges, helping them make decisions and cope with stress or difficult circumstances.
  • Mentors: Mentors are experienced individuals who share their wisdom and knowledge to guide and support less experienced individuals in their personal or professional growth.

Specialization & Coaching Modalities

Our Trinity Coaching approach focuses on the holistic well-being of our clients, considering Mind, Body, and Spiritual health as interconnected elements. We understand that imbalance in one area can affect aspects of the other two areas, leading to physical and emotional symptoms.

Our niche lies in Neurodivergence and clinical disorders, and we specialize in empowering individuals and helping with:

  • Depression
  • Cluster B personality Disorders
  • OCD
  • Anger Management
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Spiritual Development
  • Emotional Intelligence & Awareness/Mindfulness
  • Motivation/Inspiration
  • Empowerment
  • Boundaries
  • Shadow Work/Healing Trauma

Take the First Step Towards Transformation

To celebrate our commitment to your well-being, we are offering an exciting opportunity for the first 10 coaching clients. Simply set up an exploratory session with us and be automatically entered into a drawing for a free 1-hour coaching session. Moreover, clients who purchase a coaching session will receive an additional entry for themselves or a friend, as we believe in sharing the gift of growth with others.

Take this chance to embark on a journey of empowerment and personal development with LMH Tea’s Trinity Coaching approach. Regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, we are here to support you in finding your equivalent of a “spiritual” experience.

Contact Us

To learn more and book your exploratory session, contact us directly if our booking availability doesn’t work for you or book an appointment today. Empower yourself today and unlock the full potential of your personal and professional life with LMH Tea.

Best Watermelon Metabolic Spritzer Recipe | LMH Tea

Welcome to our LMH Tea blends recipe blog! Today, we’re excited to share with you one of our favorite summer recipes using our special Metabolic Flames Tea. This refreshing and delicious recipe is called the “Metabolic Spritzer.” It combines the goodness of frozen watermelon cubes, our Metabolic Flames Tea, and a splash of seltzer water. Our Metabolic Flames Tea blend is designed to boost your metabolism and is wonderful as a pre or post workout drink or as a digestive aide on a daily basis.

Cool Down with a Refreshing Beverage this Summer

This Metabolic Spritzer is a fantastic way to cool down during the hot summer months while enjoying the unique blend of our Metabolic Flames Tea. The frozen watermelon cubes add a refreshing and fruity twist, while the seltzer water provides a bubbly effervescence.

Change it Up

Remember, you can always adjust the recipe to suit your personal taste preferences. You may choose to experiment with different fruit additions or even try substituting the seltzer water with sparkling lemonade for a sweeter variation.

Contact Us

Contact us today for any questions about our tea blends. You can contact us by filling out the contact form on our website. We hope you enjoy this delightful summer recipe using LMH Tea blends. Stay tuned for more exciting recipes and creative ways to incorporate our teas into your daily routine. Cheers to a refreshing summer!

Watermelon Metabolic Spritzer

Yields: 2 Servings


  • 4 each Frozen Watermelon Cubes
  • 1 Tbsp Metabolic Flames Tea (make a note of the metabolic flames at checkout)
  • 16 oz Hot water
  • 16 oz Seltzer of choice


  •   Start by cutting the watermelon into cubes. You can adjust the quantity based on personal preference. Place the watermelon cubes in a freezer-safe container and freeze them until solid.
  •   While the watermelon is freezing, brew the Metabolic Flames Tea. Follow the package instructions for steeping times and water temperature. You can adjust the strength of the tea by steeping it for a shorter or longer duration.
  •   Once the tea is brewed, let it cool to room temperature. You can speed up the cooling process by placing it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.
  •   Take two chilled glasses and add the frozen watermelon cubes to each glass. The amount of watermelon can be adjusted according to your taste.
  •   Pour the cooled Metabolic Flames Tea into the glasses, dividing it evenly between the two.
  •   Finish off by pouring your preferred seltzer water into each glass, filling it to the top.
  •   Give the spritzer a gentle stir to mix all the ingredients together. Feel free to add a decorative straw or garnish with a small watermelon wedge, mint leaves, or a slice of lemon for an extra touch of elegance.
  •   Serve the Metabolic Spritzer immediately while it’s still chilled and enjoy the vibrant flavors!

Manifesting Our Desires Through Intention and Action: The Power of Positive Creation

Have you ever felt like there’s something missing in your life? Perhaps you have dreams and desires that seem out of reach, leaving you feeling stuck and unfulfilled. The good news is that you have the power to bring your desires to life through the incredible forces of intention and action. By understanding and harnessing these forces, you can manifest your deepest desires and create a life filled with purpose and abundance. In this blog, we will explore the art of manifesting and how intention and action play a crucial role in the process.

The Power of Intention

Intention is the starting point of all creation. It is the conscious decision to bring something into existence. When we set a clear and focused intention, we align our thoughts, emotions, and energy towards a specific goal or desire. Intention acts as a guiding force, directing our attention and actions towards what we want to manifest.

To harness the power of intention, it’s essential to cultivate a positive mindset. This involves believing in the possibility of your desires coming true, visualizing yourself already experiencing them, and letting go of doubts and limiting beliefs. Remember, intention is not just wishful thinking; it is a genuine commitment to take the necessary steps towards manifesting your desires.

Taking Inspired Action

Intention without action is like a ship without a sail. While setting clear intentions is important, it is equally crucial to take inspired action towards your goals. Action is the bridge that connects the realm of thought and imagination with the physical world. When we take intentional steps, we create momentum and bring our desires closer to reality.

It’s important to note that inspired action is different from mere busyness. It involves taking purposeful and aligned steps that are in harmony with your intentions. Trust your intuition and listen to the inner guidance that nudges you towards the right actions. Break down your goals into actionable steps, set deadlines, and remain consistent in your efforts. Each small step taken with intention brings you closer to the manifestation of your desires.

Cultivating a Positive Mindset

Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. Negative thoughts and self-doubt can create energetic blocks that hinder the manifestation process. To overcome these barriers, it’s crucial to cultivate a positive mindset. Practice gratitude for what you already have and adopt an attitude of abundance. Visualize yourself living your desired reality and immerse yourself in the emotions and sensations of that experience.

Affirmations can be a powerful tool to reprogram your subconscious mind. Repeat positive statements that support your intentions, such as “I am worthy of my desires” or “I attract abundance effortlessly.” Surround yourself with positivity by engaging in activities and spending time with people who uplift and inspire you. By aligning your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with your intentions, you create an ideal space for manifestation.

Patience, Trust, & Letting Go

Manifestation is a process that unfolds in its own divine timing. It’s essential to practice patience and trust that the universe is moving in your favor. Avoid becoming fixated on the “how” and instead focus on the “what” and “why” of your desires. Trust that the right opportunities and circumstances will present themselves when the time is right.

Additionally, learning to let go of attachment to the outcome is a crucial aspect of manifesting. While it’s important to set clear intentions and take action, it’s equally important to detach from the outcome and surrender to the flow of life. Letting go allows the universe to work in it’s own time and brings about unexpected and beautiful manifestations.

Contact Us

Manifesting our desires through intention and action is a transformative process that empowers us to create the life we truly desire. Contact us today by filling out the contact form on our website, you can also check out our divination services here.

Best Iced Tea Berry Sangria Recipe | The Benefits of Antioxidants

Berries are a delicious and nutritious addition to any diet. These small fruits are packed with antioxidants, which are essential for maintaining good health. Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause cell damage, leading to the development of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Berries are a great source of antioxidants, making them an important part of any healthy diet.

Berry Tea Blends

One of the ways that berries can be enjoyed is through the use of tea blends. Berries are often used in tea blends because of their natural sweetness and antioxidant properties. There are many different types of berry teas available, each with their own unique flavor and health benefits.

Not Just Hot or Iced

Teas can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. They don’t just have to be consumed hot or iced. They can be used in recipes, such as iced tea berry sangria. Sangria is a refreshing drink that originated in Spain and has become popular all over the world. It is typically made with red wine, chopped fruit, and a sweetener such as sugar or honey. Berry tea can be used in addition to or in place of the wine in this recipe, using tea adds a new depth of flavor and more health benefits to these fruity drinks.

The Origins of Sangria

The origins of sangria can be traced back to the ancient Romans. They would mix wine with water and herbs to create a refreshing drink. As the drink evolved over time, it became a popular drink in Spain. The word “sangria” comes from the Spanish word “sangre,” which means blood. This is because the drink is traditionally made with red wine, which gives it a deep, rich color.

Sangria Comes to the U.S.

Sangria became popular in the United States during the 1964 World’s Fair in New York City. The Spanish Pavilion featured sangria as its signature drink, and it quickly became a hit with fairgoers. Since then, sangria has become a popular drink in the US, with many different variations and recipes available.

Iced Tea Berry Sangria Recipe

Using berries or a berry-infused tea in sangria is a great way to enjoy the health benefits of antioxidants while also enjoying a refreshing drink. We have included our favorite recipe of Iced Tea Berry Sangria below:


2 quarts Sweetened iced tea chilled (see note 1)
1 (750 mL) bottle Red Moscato or other sweet red wine, chilled (see note 2)
2 cups berry juice chilled

1/2 cup brandy (see note 3)
2 pounds strawberries (hulled and sliced), blackberries, blueberries, and/or raspberries


In a large pitcher, combine tea, wine, juice, and brandy. Chill until serving time.
Serve over ice with the berries (add berries to the pitcher of sangria, to individual glasses, or serve it in bowls on the side so guests can help themselves).


  1. Iced tea: Sweet tea tastes the best here. To cut down on sugar, use unsweetened iced tea and add your preferred sweetener (Splenda, stevia, etc.) after mixing everything else together. Try it with LMH Custom Teas & Herbs Morning Berry Bliss Blend here
  2. Moscato: Any sweet red wine will work here (Lambrusco or Malbec are both good choices).
  3. Brandy: Or substitute whiskey, dark rum, or bourbon (the flavor will change). To substitute brandy extract, use 5 teaspoons brandy extract and ½ cup water in place of the brandy.

Contact Us

We recommend our Morning Bliss tea for this recipe!

Morning Bliss-

pick one-Organic Elderberry/strawberry/Raspberry/Blueberry, Organic Green Tea, Organic Hibiscus, Organic/LMH Lavender (Leaves & Buds).

Click here to order.

You can also visit the contact page on our website if you have any questions about our tea blends and their best uses. We would love to answer any questions you might have.

Types of Tea That Help with Seasonal Allergies

It’s that time of the year again! When the weather changes it can cause a significant change in your lifestyle. Many of us may be trying at-home remedies or trying to discover the best tea to help manage seasonal allergies. You may think of keeping certain foods or drinks out of your diet to avoid an adverse reaction. But the connection between seasonal allergies and food is limited to a few groups of foods known as cross-reactive foods that are often associated with birch, ragweed, or mugwort. Here is the complete guide from LMH Custom Teas & Herbs about the best teas to ease the impacts of seasonal allergies.


Nettle is a great source of vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, and B5, and minerals, including iron and calcium. It has a long history of supporting upper respiratory health, healthy prostate function, and a healthy immune response to allergens. It is believed that the anti-inflammatory effects of Nettle are what make it such an effective support for hay fever. More studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of the reduction of symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, congestion, and itchy watery eyes.


Chamomile helps to soothe the nervous system, which in turn can help our bodies deal with the stress brought on by certain seasonal allergies. Recognized throughout the world as a natural antihistamine, chamomile has the ability to prevent histamine release from mast cells. 1-2 cups of chamomile tea per day, sweetened with a little local honey, can help reduce the impacts of many common allergens. PRECAUTIONARY NOTE: While there is evidence that chamomile may be good for hay fever sufferers, those who develop symptoms when exposed to ragweed pollen may have sensitivity to chamomile tea. Chamomile has proteins that are similar to those found in ragweed which may cause reactions.

Tulsi-Holy Basil 

Holy Basil helps maintain the balance of the body’s energy systems and in addition, it can provide a sense of ease.* It’s one of the most highly regarded herbs in India and is called Holy for a reason. Among the various spiritual properties of this spicy basil, it also boasts a laundry list of cognitive and physical supporting properties. As an anti-inflammatory, it acts as a wonderful assist in the negative impacts of allergy histamine response. Its potent adaptogenic impacts help support the physiological stress the body endures when seasonal allergies flare up. The antitussive impacts of holy basil help to treat cough and can suppress that pesky cough that comes from the throat-tickling effects of a runny nose and inflamed lymph nodes. The phytochemical content and bioactive compounds of this powerhouse herb are perfect for seasonal allergy relief and year-round support for a wealth of other ailments.


The anti-inflammatory effects can help combat the inflammatory responses that seasonal allergies can produce in the body from its antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory phytochemical compounds. Ginger boasts an excess of health benefits beyond its anti-inflammatory properties.  Weight loss support, brain health, digestive health , and more.

Citrus Fruits, Tomatoes, Pineapple 

The Vitamin C found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables not only helps combat the common cold by boosting the immune system, it can also help decrease the discomforts of allergic Rhinitis=the irritation to the upper respiratory tract caused by the pollen of blooming flowers. The bromelaine in Pineapple is especially effective. To discover more foods that can help support allergy relief, check out this article.


Allium is the Latin word for Garlic. But also refers to other similar items such as onions, leeks, shallots, chives, scallions green onions, scapes and other onion like veggies and herbs. A healthline article explains: “Onions are an excellent natural source of quercetin, a bioflavonoid you may have seen sold on its own as a dietary supplement. Some research suggests that quercetin acts as a natural antihistamine, reducing the symptoms of seasonal allergies. … Raw red onions have the highest concentration of quercetin, followed by white onions and scallions. Cooking reduces the quercetin content of onions, so for maximum impact, eat onions raw. You might try them in salads, in dips (like guacamole), or as sandwich toppings.” 

In this Canadian Pharmacy Online article: You will find many uses and more information, including sourced articles and studies about the other benefits of Aliums such as immune boosting, infection-fighting, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant content that helps cancer-causing free radicals in the body to be reduced, heart health,  prostate health, and lowering blood pressure and so much more.

Try Our Teas

The blooming of spring and summertime and the colorful leaf litter in fall can be a beautiful thing to behold. When it comes to your allergy responses to these seasons, they can become a beautiful headache…literally. Don’t let an uncontrollable body response rule your seasons. Take charge of your health and use the tools listed above to help ease your symptoms and support your body. The teas at LMH Custom Teas & Herbs use every one of the herbs and spices listed above and here in this article in their tea blends. Want a custom blend? Just make a note of exactly what you want Here in the checkout page and our private chef and tea blender will get you taken care of.  Please understand that the items above are not meant to replace any treatment for seasonal allergies, but they can help as part of your overall lifestyle support for your body and mind.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our tea blends and how they can help you with your seasonal allergies. You can contact us by filling out the contact form on our website.

For General Information on Hay Fever:


Anti-Histamine Supporting Herbs

(We carry over 75% of the listed items and will help you find someone who does have the ones that we don’t keep in stock)



LMH Tea Support List

Allergies Generic 

Allergy Relief-Breakfast Blend

Organic Chamomile, Organic Nettle Leaf, LMH/Organic Thyme, Organic Gunpowder Green Tea, LMH/Organic Lemon Balm, Organic Fennel, Organic Hibiscus Petals, LMH/Organic Pansies, Organic Ginger Root, Organic Bay Leaf, Organic Citric Acid

Cold & Flu Season

Organic Mullein, Organic Lemon Myrtle, Organic Echinacea, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Ginger, Organic Marshmallow Root, Organic Elderberry, Organic Citric Acid

Complete Chakra Flow -Moon Cycle Support 

Organic Chamomile, LMH/Organic Basil (Leaf/Bud), LMH/Organic Lavender (Leaf/Bud), LMH/Organic Sage (Leaf/Bud), LMH/Organic Red Clover (Leaf/flower), Organic Raspberry Leaf, Organic Green Tea, Organic Hibiscus Flower, Organic Nettles


Organic Chamomile, LMH/Organic Basil (Leaf/Bud), LMH/Organic Lavender (Leaf/Bud), LMH/Organic Sage (Leaf/Bud), LMH/Organic Red Clover (Leaf/flower), Organic Raspberry Leaf, Organic Green Tea, Organic Hibiscus Flower, Organic Nettles

Custom Blends-Premium

(notate the blend you want in the notes section at checkout)

Soothing Green Blend

LMH Spanish Lavender Leaf, Organic Nettle, Organic Moringa Leaf, LMH Basil (leaf/Bud) LMH Viola/Pansy, Organic Chamomile, Organic Gunpowder Green Tea 

Allergy Ease 

Organic Red Rooibos, Organic Ginger, LMH Lemonbalm, Organic Nettle, LMH Peppermint, Organic Elderberry (raspberry or strawberry would be nice alternatives as well) Organic Citric Acid


Organic Stinging Nettle, Organic Passion Fruit Powder, Organic Guava Powder, Organic Turmeric

Burning Bright Breakfast Blend 

Organic Gunpowder Green Tea, LMH Basil, Organic Nettle, Organic Thistle

Throat Soothe 

Organic anise, Organic lemon Myrtle, Organic fennel seeds Organic Elderberry, Organic Cinnamon, Organic orange peel, Organic echinacea, Organic marshmallow root, organic citric acid

Rise Up  

Organic Toasted Quinoa, Organic Nettle Leaf, Organic Thistle, Organic Himalayan White Tea, Organic Moringa Leaf, Organic chamomile flower

Fruity White 

Organic Himalayan White Tea, Organic passion fruit powder, Organic Mango 

Grounded Awakening/Cranberry Spice 

Organic Oolong Black Tea, Wild Harvested Reishi Mushroom, Organic/LMH Ginger, LMH Rose, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Hibiscus

Cinnamon Reishi 

Organic Cinnamon, Wild Harvested Reishi Mushroom

Apple Spice 

Organic Apple, Organic Chamomile, Organic Hibiscus,  Organic Cinnamon, Organic Nutmeg, Organic Citrus

Mint Chocolate Chip 

Organic Cocoa, LMH Mint, LMH Basil, LMH Lemonbalm

(optional: add oolong)

Coco Berry Burst 

Organic Cocoa, Organic Strawberry, Organic Hibiscus, Organic Himalayan White Tea

Focused Morning Bliss 

Organic Cocoa, Organic Moringa, Organic/LMH Mint, Organic/LMH Basil, Sustainably Foraged Reishi Mushrooms

Tropical Green 

Organic Gunpowder Green Tea, Organic Guava Powder, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Ginger

Earthen Dreamscapes

Organic Nettle, LMH Lemon balm, LMH Sage Flower, LMH Lavender Buds, LMH French Lavender Leaf , LMH Mint, LMH  white clover petals

Healing Release 

Organic Cinnamon, LMH Basil, Organic Bay Leaf, Organic Clove, Wild Foraged Reishi, Organic Moringa, Organic Nettle, LMH Rose 

Clear & Bright

Organic Gunpowder Green Tea, Organic Nettle, Organic Flax Seed, Organic Ginger Root, Organic turmeric, LMH Fennel Fronds

LMH Red Dragon

LMH Rosemary, LMH Spearmint, Peppermint, LMH Basil, Organic Moringa, Organic Red Rooibos

LMH Ginger Dragon 

LMH Rosemary, LMH Spearmint, Peppermint, LMH Basil, Organic Moringa, Organic Ginger 

LMH BlackDragon 

 LMH Spearmint/Peppermint, Organic Moringa, Organic Oolong or Assam Black Tea

Breathe Blend 

LMH Peppermint/Spearmint, LMH Sage Flower, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Clove, LMH thyme, LMH oregano

Allergy & Headache


Organic Orange Zest, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Clove, Organic Ginger, LMH/Organic

Rose-choose one: Organic Assam Black Tea/Himalayan White/Oolong Black/Gunpowder

Green/Rooibos (Include your choice of caffeine addition or for decaf notate *rooibos. Note-If you do not choose a caffeine or decaf addition, one will be chosen for you if we are unable to contact you for clarification.)

LMH Green-dragon

LMH/Organic Rosemary Leaf, LMH/Organic Spearmint Leaf, LMH/Organic Peppermint Leaf, LMH/Organic Basil Leaf, Organic Moringa Leaf, Organic Gunpowder Green Tea

Irish Breakfast 

Organic Black Tea (Assam/Oolong), LMH Mints (Spearmint/Peppermint)

Manipῡra Flow-Solar Plexus Chakra – Lmhtea

Organic Thistle, Organic/LMH Ginger (Root/Leaf/Stem), Organic Chamomile, Organic Coriander, Organic Turmeric Root, Organic Cumin

Healing Winter Spice Floral

 LMH/Organic Pansy/Butterfly Pea Flower, LMH/Organic Rose, Organic Moringa Leaf, Organic Nettle Leaf, Sustainably Foraged Reishi, Organic Cloves, Organic Bay Leaf, LMH/Organic Basil Leaf, Organic Cinnamon

What is Reiki | The Benefits of a Reiki Session

What is Reiki | The Benefits of a Reiki Session

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety with or without gentle touch in person or from a distance for advanced practitioners. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing.

Mikao Usui developed reiki in the early 1900s, deriving the term from the Japanese words rei, meaning “universal,” and ki, which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Now, reiki is used all over the world, including in hospitals and hospices, to complement other forms of health treatments.

Health Benefits of Reiki

Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being. Chronic illnesses will require multiple sessions.

Possible impacts of reiki sessions include:

  • Bring on a meditative state
  • Foster tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery
  • Stimulate your body’s immune system
  • Promote natural self-healing
  • Relieve pain and tension
  • Support the well-being of people receiving traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and kidney dialysis

Studies show that reiki treatment may create feelings of:

  • Peace
  • Relaxation
  • Security
  • Wellness

Can Reiki Replace Traditional Treatments?

No. Reiki treatment should not be used as a substitute for the consultation of a physician or a psychotherapist. Reiki is a wonderful complement to other types of medical and therapeutic treatments and can increase the efficacy of other types of healing.

If you’re already in good health, regular reiki treatments can enhance your ability to respond to stress and serve as a form of preventive medicine.

What Conditions does Reiki Treat?

Reiki works as a trinity healing modality as a mind, body, and spiritual support.  It is a universal life force energy. Chronic conditions require multiple sessions to benefit the receiver.

Reiki may help people with:

Reiki can also help you prepare for surgery, which may help boost your post-op recovery time.

How does Reiki Work?

Reiki practitioners act as a conduit between you and the source of the universal life force energy. The energy flows through the practitioner’s hands and/or energy channels into you.

“The patient determines the energy flow from the practitioner’s hands by taking only what they need,” Dr. Bodner says. “This helps the patient know that we are supporting them only in what they need rather than what we think they need. This makes it the perfect balance to meet the patient’s needs.”

What Happens During a Reiki Session?

Reiki treatment times can vary, but typically last about 50 minutes. During a session, you may:

  • Lie on a massage table fully clothed
  • Sit or stand quietly 
  • Choose any comfortable position that works for both you and your practitioner to do their work

As your reiki practitioner gently places their hands, palms down, on or just above your body in specific energy locations. They may use a series of 12 to 15 different hand positions. A practitioner with more advanced training may choose to do a distance session with you. Depending on the practitioner you may be asked to focus on receiving the reiki energy or you may be asked to carry on with your day. Reiki differs from other touch therapies in that there is no pressure, massage or manipulation involved.

What does Reiki Feel Like?  

Everyone experiences reiki differently. Please share with your practitioner how it was received! This helps us to grow. You may experience any, all, or none of these experiences.

Sensations like:

  •  Heat
  • Tingling 
  • Pulsing 
  • Buzzing
  • Weight or Weight Releasing
  • Body twitches or other physical responses

Most people feel very relaxed and peaceful during reiki treatment, and many fall asleep during the process.

Source: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/reiki/

Contact Us

Get in touch with us today with any questions you might have about our services. Check out our Reiki Services here. We would love to get to know you and your needs! You can contact us by filling out the contact form on our website here. You can also reach us by messaging us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Whatsapp or Instagram, or by calling or emailing: +1 (828) 289-5459 admin@lmhtea.org

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